Ї тнїйк уоц vёяу мї$$ мё яїgнт ? Jокє !!
Dо уоц кйош pїcо нavё a иєш cооl Їтєм$ ?Уёa ?Ио ?Ї тёll уоц ЙОШ !!!

←She is Vivienne !!!
Vїvїєийё'$ $ноp Ошйёя
Hello, everyone! This is Vivienne!
Hope everyone is enjoying their Pico life.
Today I want to introduce to you all, a new Room…
Gothic Alice Room!
New Gothic Alice Gacha is available andHope everyone is enjoying their Pico life.
Today I want to introduce to you all, a new Room…
Gothic Alice Room!
some items are in my shop too!

Tнaт ї$ тнє Иєш Gотнїc Alїcє Їтєм$ !Ї lоvё тнaт !Dїd уоц Ьцу тнaт ?
Look !!! That Is the Boys Gacha Items Girls Can't see that and Boys Can't see Girls New Gacha Items Too !
Isn’t this GREAT!? You can become a Gothic Alice with these items!!
Lоок Tнє RO80 :Type C4T $ноp
Tнaт ї$ Tнё ЯО80 Tуpє CAT Bоу$ Иёш Їтєм$ !!!
Look The Two New Interior Items !!!
Gothic Cards Table !!!! and The Other One Is Golden Big
Cup !!!!!You can Sit On The Cup So cute !!I want to have one too !!!
aиd ї pїcк a gїґl $нё cнaиgё a иёш Alїcє їтєм$ Clо$ёт !!Tнё Gїґl$ Иєщ Alїcє Їтём$ Clо$єт $о Cцтє ЯЇGHT ?!

Hош то Gо Gothic Alice Room ?Кйош Їй Hєяё ↓

Щї$н уоц Havё a Cооl Pїcо Lїfє
Їй Йёш Gотнїc Alїcє Яоом !
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